Stores That Stock SnappyDog Products
Below is a list of stores that stock SnappyDog Salsa.
Note: Most locations carry SnappyDog Hot, Medium, and Mild. A few locations carry Guacomole Mix. The best way to get your favorite SnappyDog flavor into your local grocery store, is to talk to the grocery manager. Our customers are powerful in helping us expanding our product line into your local grocery.
- A Spacious Place
- Anoka Meats & Sausage
- Bob's Produce Ranch
- Bonngard's Family Meats
- Brinks Market
- Crickets Bar and Grill
- Coburns Delivers
- Cub Foods - Har Mar
- Cub Foods - Sunray
- Econo Foods - Durand
- Family Fresh Stores - New Richmond, River Falls, Hudson, & Somerset
- Ferndale Market
- The Golden Fig
- Great Harvest Bread Company
- Hudson County Market
- Hy-Vee Stores
- Jerry's Foods
- Jordan Meets and Deli
- Kinni View Deli
- Kortes Supermarket
- Kowalskis Market
- Lunds and Byerlys
- Lynn's Custom Meats
- Mackenthuns Meat Shop
- Minnesota Street Market
- North Branch County Market
- Seward Co-op
- Speedy Market Como Avenue, St. Paul
- Village Depot
- Whole Foods Market